Among Lynn’s many achievements, qualifications and experience includes Institute of Fire Engineers, Safety Manager of the Year Award and developing occupational health management systems as well co-authoring our Healthcare training-the-trainer course manuals. Anyone who gets to know Lynn, will know her for her “glass always being half full - never half empty” approach to life, always ready with a smile and support for others. SpringBoard Safety Services (Health and Safety Training and Safety Consultancy) Lynn Mohan, co-owner of SpringBoard Safety Services, is experienced in machine safety, behavioural safety as well as being a natural trainer. Lynn is also a qualified auditor for quality, environment as well as occupational health & safety. training the train, train the trainer, north west, north east, wrexham, darlington,north wales, health & safety, training, consultancy SpringBoard Safety Services: healthcare training the trainer courses SpringBoard Safety Services: healthcare training the trainer courses SpringBoard Safety Services: healthcare training the trainer courses SpringBoard Safety Services: healthcare training the trainer courses SpringBoard Safety Services: healthcare training the trainer courses SpringBoard Safety Services: healthcare training the trainer courses SpringBoard Safety Services: healthcare training the trainer courses
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